Ep 13: Bittersweet Book Review

podcast Dec 20, 2022

Emotions serve a purpose whether we think of them as being useful or not. No one enjoys feeling sad, but sadness allows you to experience greater joy. You’d never go to bed hoping to wake up feeling anxious, and yet even anxiety is useful in telling us to pay attention.

For today’s episode, I decided to try something a little different. We’re having a group discussion and review of a book we just finished for a book club I am part of called, Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole by Susan Cain. My guests today, Rachel, Jill, and Erica, share their insights and unique perspectives to invite you on this journey and hopefully encourage you to also check out the book as well.

Brené Brown defines bittersweet as being a mix of happiness and sadness. Susan Cain defines it as a tendency to states of longing and sorrow. It is in the longing and sorrow where she opens this world where light and dark are forever paired together. Here are some of the areas we took deeper dives into on this episode:

  • Shared moments of bittersweet, such as the end of one thing and the beginning of another
  • People and things we long for that cause sorrow without running from it
  • Cultural pressure of toxic positivity and permission to be bittersweet

“Our culture has made happiness the desired destination for everything.” -Meghan Thomas

The thing about this book that’s worth highlighting is that the author does a great job explaining why it’s okay for you to experience the full range of emotions. You don’t have to feel pressured into living and experiencing your life through the lens of happiness and positivity. Of course, happiness feels great, and being positive can move us in the right direction, but giving yourself permission to be bittersweet, to grieve, and sit with your sadness has a role in making you a healthier whole person with a real life and real experiences.

“When grief came or loss came, I was immediately connected with my longing.” -Rachel

Check out additional resources from the book, Bittersweet:

Bittersweet by Susan Cain: https://amzn.to/3CkVl3X

Bittersweet Quiz: https://susancain.net/susans-bittersweet-quiz/ 

Bittersweet Playlist: https://susancain.net/wp-content/uploads/BIttersweet-Playlist.pdf 

Sat Siri/Rachel’s Website: https://satsiri.mykajabi.com

Sat Siri/Rachel’s Instagram: @satsiri

P.S. Want to dive deeper into your personal Emotional Expedition? Join me and an intimate group for an 8 week LIVE virtual book study of Brené Brown's book, Atlas of the Heart. This book will be our roadmap to understanding ourselves & others better, learning the language to better express ourselves & ask for what we need, and coming together in community & connection. For more information: Atlas of the Heart Book Study

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