Ep 14: Jaime Weisberg Positive Psychology Coach

podcast Dec 20, 2022

You have critical need to your wellbeing, and it’s for human connection and relationships. How you respond to your emotions directly impacts relationships in your life and it also dictates how well you struggle through life’s challenges. You can be motivated by a host of things, but what makes life worth living always comes back to the relationships we have with ourselves and with others.

In today’s episode, Jaime “JJ” Weisberg, founder of Northbound and Positive Psychology Coach and Consultant, reveals why she’s a human potentialist that helps people learn how to live above neutral and be more resilient.

“All emotions are good. Some of them are uncomfortable, but they're all good for us in some way.” -Jaime “JJ” Weisberg

Positive psychology isn’t about feeling good no matter what, and it’s not about trying to fix what’s wrong, it’s about looking at the role of positive emotions and how we better function in those emotions. Jaime captures the essence of positive psychology being the solution of what gets you north of neutral beyond the survival, I’m just okay, point and to a life that is thriving. 

Some key discussion points I have with Jaime:

  • Prioritizing your relational health is as important as your physical health
  • We have to consciously look at how our brain is functioning in positive emotions in order to have a thriving life that’s more than okay
  • Resilience is about struggling well and knowing how to show up better everyday
  • Noticing, naming, and navigating emotions is called emotional digestion
  • Don’t just focus on what’s wrong with you, allow yourself to focus on what’s right as well

Your wellbeing deserves to be prioritized in a world that seems to be overflowing with situations and challenges that breed so much negativity. Reaching your human potential is going to require that you consider all of your emotions and accept that even though some of them don’t feel great there is a need to experience all of humanness. When you begin exploring your emotions and processing them in healthier ways, you make room for what really matters, human connection. Positive psychology, as Jaime shines light on it, is about bringing us wellbeing with ourselves and with others.

“The single biggest predictor of our wellbeing, of our livelihood, and also our physical health is the quality of relationships that we have with other people, period.” -Jaime “JJ” Weisberg

Connect with Jaime:

Website: https://headnorthbound.com/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/head_northbound/ 


P.S. Want to dive deeper into your personal Emotional Expedition? Join me and an intimate group for an 8 week LIVE virtual book study of Brené Brown's book, Atlas of the Heart. This book will be our roadmap to understanding ourselves & others better, learning the language to better express ourselves & ask for what we need, and coming together in community & connection. For more information: Atlas of the Heart Book Study


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